Player from WoW shows how to play dungeons and raids in 2005

Do you remember how groups in the Raids and Dungeons from WoW distributed different tasks and priorities 20 years ago?

How do you do that back then? In many dungeons and raid instances from Vanilla-Wow and the first expansion The Burning Crusade-especially with mixed equipment-it was essential to control certain opponents of the large trash groups, while the damage experts focused on the first one or two goals without pulling aggro.

So that this not only works effectively within organized teams (i.e. without a long explanation and assignment in front of each pull), but also in groups that have been thrown together, a standard division for CC skills (CC equal to Crowd Control, i.e. control of opposite with certain skills) and priorities, has established itself in groups that are colorful.

In WoW Classic, “CC” is important again, especially on hardcore servers:

Wow Classic: The hardcore servers are here!

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Nostalgic journey into the past

What kind of division was that? With a graphic on Reddit, the WoW fan FlexFridayTV reminds you of how the division should have looked at most groups at the time:

  • Totenkopf: The first goal that dies.
  • Red cross: The second goal that dies.
  • Dark blue square: the opponent comes into the hunter ice trap
  • Light blue moon: This enemy is transformed by a magician.
  • Green triangle: This adversary is put to sleep.
  • Violet diamond: This goal gets a fear magic.
  • Orange -colored circle: A villain tries with a head nut.
  • Which CCS were used for which Trash Group was used on the one hand from the group composition, and on the other hand, but also from the types of the opponents. For example, druids can only let wild animals and drachkin sleep. The head nut, on the other hand, only works with humanoids.

    Especially in RAID instances, it also occurred again and again that the slaughterhouse had to put several nastios to sleep or transform into sheep. Then the standard division was of course broken open and the symbols were adjusted accordingly.

    Alternatively, it occurred from time to time that certain characters from the raid were marked with a symbol to specify certain positioning or movement sequences, or so that they are easier to find in the confusion of the struggle.

    Here is the said picture of FlexFridayTV – Hach, memories are awakened:

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    The community remembers: Over the weekend, the post was able to accumulate more than 5,500 upvotes and more than 850 comments. Many players address the question of the thread manufacturer: Does this division still apply today, in 2025, still?

  • BCTG1 summarizes on Reddit how the symbols are used today: “Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon, Tank Icon.”
  • Timekeeper98 jokes on Reddit: “Everyone knows that the skull means to ignore this goal to the end and to blow everything else beforehand.”
  • OG_SLIN remembers a saying from back then on Reddit that is still valid today: “Take the cursed condom from my head.” Incidentally, this means the orange circle.
  • Powerinthebeard writes on Reddit: “The first two symbols are still used today, the rest is nostalgia from 2005.”
  • Cardiologistno9474 on Reddit explains the reason: “In 2025 we no longer use CC.”
  • However, various other players report that there are always possible uses for certain CC effects in today’s WoW, for example in certain affixes in the mythical-Plus area.

    How does it look: do you miss the time when almost every trash group was important to eliminate particularly dangerous goals with CC? Or do you find it better to contract everything and bombs away? Treat it in the comments! You can find more wow nostalgia here: players start new with WoW, immediately fulfills (almost) all clichés-community is proud of the youngsters
