Player finds a way to farm tons of XP by exploring space with a specific skill

You can easily farm a lot of XP in Starfield, as a player on Reddit shows. However, you need a certain skill to scan space.

Starfield offers many cool and useful skills. It’s hard to decide which one you want to unlock next. Ideally, you would like to have all 82 skills and level them up – but that requires a lot of experience points.

A player has now found a way to farm XP and level up while exploring the different solar systems.

Player scans planets to farm XP

What kind of path is this? Reddit user “PatHasHat” writes on the social network that the best way for him to level up his character is to scan planets and moons.

PatHasHat uses the research skilltress’s “Astrophysics” skill and explains that it is enough to bring the skill to the second level – even if he has unlocked level four himself.

To farm XP, the player travels through space and jumps back and forth between different systems. He then scans the various planets and moons within a system and receives XP for this.

When he has completely scanned a system, he travels further. PatHasHat also states that he can collect up to 1,500 XP in 40 seconds – that’s about half a level if you haven’t exceeded level 35 yet.

What does the skill do? The “Astrophysics” skill makes it easier for you to scan planets from your spaceship, as the different levels of the skill increase your scanning range.

  • Level 1: You can scan the moons of the current planet, +10% chance of discovering a property
  • Level 2: You can scan all moons & planets in the system, +20% chance of discovering a property
  • Level 3: You can scan all moons & planets within 16 light years, +30% chance of discovering a property
  • Level 4: You can scan all moons & planets within 30 light years, +50% chance of discovering a property
  • At level 4 of the skill you can scan planets that are up to 30 light years away. This corresponds approximately to the distance between the “Alpha Centauri” system (Jemison, New Atlantis) and the Volii system (Volii Alpha, Neon).

    The Cheyenne system, in which the planet Akila lies, is also just over 30 light-years away from Alpha Centauri.

    If you want to know how else you can quickly level up, take a look here:

    Starfield: Farming XP – This is how you level up quickly and effectively
