The pit was not one of the most popular content in Diablo 4 among the community. With Season 6, the function has changed, and individual players now really enjoy the activity.
In the pit you got the most important materials for masterworking (completion) up to Season 6: Obduzit, Ingolith and Niedereisen. When you complete it, you upgrade the affixes on your gear, making your builds even stronger.
Why was the pit unpopular? Because you could only farm the mats there, players found the activity too repetitive and boring. In addition, some bosses had one-shot mechanics. Other players found: Pit runs are basically just boss fights with some trash clearing beforehand.
In Season 5 the hellish hordes were added, in which you also got the crafting mats. This caused players to wonder why they were even supposed to go into the pit – and it basically became unnecessary. That has now changed.
What has changed? With Season 6, the function of the pit has changed and basically swapped with that of the nightmare dungeons:
Individual players find that the pit has become a “fun time competition” in which you can measure yourself. And the nightmare dungeons are also more fun for many players in Season 6.
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Why does a player enjoy the content too much? In a post on Reddit, Phandrel shows a screenshot showing numerous glyphs. Everyone is at level 100 – the new maximum level. He writes in the post: “Maybe I’m enjoying the pit a little too much…”
In the comments, users ask how many hours he has put into the season so far and how he farms the glyph levels. Phandrel explains that he spent 152 hours in Season 6. “I really hit it,” he notes. When it comes to farming, he finds pit level 100 to be the most efficient. It takes 3 minutes for one pass.
Why do you need all these glyphs? You insert the glyphs into your Paragon boards to receive effects that improve your skills and properties. Basically, you only need five glyphs for your Paragon boards – unless you change your build and swap them out.
Even then, you don’t have to level all glyphs. At the end of the pit run, you level up your glyphs through “trials”. In order not to let them expire after you have leveled all the necessary glyphs, you simply choose any one.
In the comment on Reddit, one user agrees and writes that he loves the pit grind. However, other users are of the opinion that you can only have so much fun with the activity if you play the new class – that is, the spiritborn. It is currently considered the strongest class and has several OP builds at the top of the tier lists.
However, one player skipped the OP builds, chose a different class, and then found that battles suddenly took longer. In Diablo 4’s hardcore mode, his player character almost died because he suddenly had to deal with mechanics he had never seen before.