The role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players almost unlimited possibilities. Some people enjoy being really bad – for others it seems to happen by accident.
What problem does the player have? On Reddit, a player under the name Separate_Solid_4211 reports her inability to get a “good” playthrough in the role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3: No matter what she tries, it always seems to end in death and ruin.
The player has already completed 5 runs and after more than 600 hours of play she comes to a conclusion: “I have a strong suspicion that I am the problem.”
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Separate_Solid_4211 started her first run in the classic “blind” way, i.e. without much prior knowledge. As a result, she missed all of the companions apart from Shadowheart and Lae’zel, whose quest she ignored because the main quest seemed so urgent and important – a problem that our editorial director Schuhmann also had with Baldur’s Gate 3.
The player almost accidentally took the Emperor’s side because she didn’t realize she had a choice – and he seemed friendly. Ultimately, she found Shadowheart’s parents to be “unimportant” – an assessment that her companion did not share.
In return, she granted Lae’zel the wish to ascend: “Oops.”
Path of salvation?
On the next attempt, the player tried out the Dark Urge, or more precisely: she wanted to play a “Redemption Dark Urge”, i.e. to rehabilitate herself over the course of the game. However, Separate_Solid_4211 realized far too quickly how easy it is to lie to everyone’s face.
Even one cut hand, one dead squirrel, and one dead bard later, the player believed she was still on her path to redemption. However, this ended at the very latest when she let Astarion rise.
Tactical calculation
For her third run, the player chose the “Tactician” difficulty level and a Dark Urge Paladin with an oath of devotion and vowed to be “the goodest girl ever.” She resolved not to break her oath.
However, Separate_Solid_4211 then broke the oath 5 times, and she also got involved with the Emperor again and made Karlach a mind flayer – only to find out again on the Internet that she was a bad person.
“My soul fell in love with Gale”
On the 4th run of the game it was time for an honor run. However, since this is not an easy undertaking, the player stuck to the principle: Don’t try anything in the Honor Run that you haven’t done before – and for Separate_Solid_4211, of course, that meant a reunion with the Emperor.
However, one thing made this run different than all others: it was the first time the player took Gale out of the portal. “I fell in love with Gale. My Tav fell in love with Gale. My soul fell in love with Gale,” said the player.
But then she blew up her favorite wizard, resulting in a well-deserved (?) honor run win and a 20-minute crying fit.
That’s the good ending, right?
Separate_Solid_4211 started the 5th run to get her Gale back. As she writes, it is not yet finished. To atone for her past misdeeds, the player created a Durge Cleric.
She didn’t want to spoil the choices between a divine and a human Gale in advance, so she made the choice that her cleric believed was best for Gale. “Well, it turns out my cleric is a jealous little bitch. […] God-Gale is clearly the good ending here. Or? OR?”
The community is very entertained by the player’s unintentionally murderous adventures. Here you can find a small selection of answers under the thread:
However, some players claim to be the exact opposite: they simply cannot make bad decisions.
MeinMMO editor Dariusz also had no bad intentions in Baldur’s Gate 3 and actually just wanted to please everyone. You can read how that went here: I accidentally play Baldur’s Gate 3 like a terrible politician on the campaign trail, promising everything to everyone
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