Building a base is one of the central elements of Palworld. A player wanted to expand his base and instead deleted it because he had the wrong item equipped.
Some players proudly present their base in Palworld on Reddit – and receive criticism for it, while others have absolute chaos in the base, but are unconsciously using a clever trick. One player built an “elevator”. And a player apparently wanted to expand his base and then accidentally deleted it.
On Reddit, user “BlingCringus” shows his base in Palworld in a video on February 11th. There you can see how he wants to place a “hot spring” in his building. However, he tears this off again – and then his entire base with one click.
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“I thought I was still in the build menu”
How did he clear his base? In the 15-second clip on Reddit you can see how the game character wants to place a “hot spring” in his base in Palworld’s construction mode. Equipped with a rocket launcher, he demolishes it before building.
The player character jumps down from the floor – and suddenly the entire base flies in his face. In the title of his post on Reddit he writes: “Don’t build your base with a rocket launcher in your hand…”
And in the commentary he explains: “I play on the Xbox, it was just a slip of the hand. I thought I was still in the build menu.” So he accidentally fired the rocket launcher and blew up his entire base.
What does the community say about this? Some users joke about the situation, others “mourn” his loss. The user “Rinomaru” comments: “Ok, so the 3 little pigs and wolf only needed a rocket launcher!” One user advises closing Palworld with ALT+F4 and returning to the last save.
User “TifaRizaLuffy” notes: “I recently gave my wife her first rocket launcher. During the first raid she blew up half the base with one shot.” Another user commented: “That’s why I only equip the rocket launcher when I really need it, 14,000 damage is not a toy lol.”
The creator of the post writes in the comments that it was for the best because he couldn’t figure out how to get this base to work somehow. Luckily it is only based on coal.
You can set up up to three Palboxes at the same time in the open world of Palworld and have three bases to protect yourself well or to effectively use access to raw materials there.
If you are still looking for good positions for your bases, we have described five recommendations for every need. With these suggestions you should be able to protect your first bases well and quickly access important raw material deposits later: Palworld: Best Base Locations – The best places for your base