Player completes Fallout 4 without ever getting hit – Takes 415 attempts and 2,000 hours

One player wanted to play through Fallout 4 without taking a single hit – after over 2,000 hours he did it.

Fallout 4, released in 2015, is very popular among role-playing game fans. Some players regularly return to the post-apocalyptic world, even if they completed the game years ago.

Other players expand their Fallout 4 gaming experience with mods or set special challenges for themselves in order to experience a special thrill when they play through again.

The final players also include a Twitch streamer named “Vrexia,” who wanted to play through Bethesda’s role-playing game without taking a single hit – but a few additional factors should make the challenge even more difficult.

Trailer for Fallout 4, the post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda

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No-hit run, but even a falling microscope is fatal

What exactly was that challenge? Vrexia wanted to play through Fallout 4 without ever getting hit, but that was too easy for him. According to PC Gamer, he therefore used a mod that turned any damage, no matter how small, into a fatal hit.

He died in one passage because a microscope fell from the table and hit him. On top of that, since it’s a permadeath run, he also had to start over from the beginning through the microscope. This also applied to bugs that threw him into the air or a Scorpion that spawned in the air and fell on his head.

To top it all off, Vrexia’s goal was to really get the game to 100% – that is, complete the story and all side quests including the DLCs, collect all collectibles and unlock all settlements.

The ban on numerous items, including VATS, armor, legendary items and perks that prevent damage, also caused additional difficulty.

How long did it take him to complete the challenge? In total, Vrexia is said to have needed a good 2,000 hours to complete the special run. This cost him not only 2 years and 7 months but also 415 attempts before he was finally successful.

By the way, Vrexia isn’t the only one trying out special challenges in games. A streamer named Dinossindgeil played FromSoftware’s titles Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring in one go without getting hit once.

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