In Palworld you need ancient components to craft various items. A player has collected 25,000 pieces of the resource and reveals how he did it on Reddit.
What are “antique components”? Ancient components are a resource in Palworld that you primarily need for crafting ancient technology, such as the incubator. But you also need the components for the Gigashield and the Terashield, which protect you from hits.
You can also use the Ancient Components to create a grappling gun that will allow you to move around more quickly. A player built a kind of “elevator” with a pistol – and even the developers were amazed at it.
One way to collect the ancient components is to kill Alpha Pals. A player presented his approach on Reddit on February 15th. As a result, he farmed a total of 25,000 Ancient Components.
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How did he do that? In his post on February 15th, the user “Aggressive-Intern411” wrote that he had finally collected 25k+ antique components. That “took forever”. When asked what his favorite method of collecting the components is, he writes in the comments:
Forces Paladius to spawn and kills him over and over again. I started doing this when I could kill all 6 of them with 3-4 missiles.
Set the passage of night and day time as short as possible, set the pal appearance amount to 3 times, and then you can go there again after each day that passes. This takes less than 10 minutes total I think.
It’s all about world settings, lots of spawns, very short days = profit.
In the screenshot in his Reddit post, you can see that he has two legendary rocket launchers equipped. As an explanation, he writes in a comment that he uses it to shoot twice without reloading so he can “one-shot” everything.
This could explain how he can face the high amount of strong Alpha Pals in Palworld and farm them in higher spawn quantity.
Where can I find Paladius? The Alpha Pal “Paladius” is located far to the north, in a zone with a level range of 40 to 50. According to one player, Paladius is one of the strongest Pals and does the most damage.
In our list you will find the top 10 of the best damage dealers in Palworld including the location on the map. This is specifically about the Pals with the strongest attack value, but also about the balance and utility of the Pal in combat: Palworld: The 10 strongest Pals for combat, according to an expert’s tier list