Played outside leisure – found coins from the Roman Empire

It was the summer of 2022 that Bjarne made the discovery. He sent pictures of it to the state’s archaeological authority, which after an examination was able to determine that it was a denarius – a silver coin from the Roman Empire.

Emperor Marcus Aurelius is depicted on the coin. He ruled the Roman Empire in 161-180 AD.

At a press conference this week, the archaeologist and Bjarne, now nine years old, presented the find together.

Great media interest

The head of the archaeological authority, Uta Halle, is overwhelmed by the great interest in the coin.

– Media interest has been enormous. It’s like we’ve found a Roman gold treasure that can pay off Bremen’s entire mountain of debt in one fell swoop, she says jokingly.

May have been salary for a mercenary

The discovery site in Bremen is outside the borders of the ancient Roman Empire. Possible explanations could be that the coin was used in trade between borders, that a mercenary received it as a salary or that a traveler brought it as a souvenir.

To be exhibited

Who owns the coin now is unclear – it will be discussed between the authority and Bjarne’s family. But at least they agree that it should be exhibited in a museum.

– It’s a bit boring if only I get to see it, says Bjarne.
