“Play something else – let’s do it too”

Diablo 4’s apparently time for a break. That’s what several Blizzard employees say in a live stream. The game is deliberately presented in such a way that you stop when you have achieved what you want and start again when a new season starts. Then everyone starts hunting for items and levels together again.

This is the situation in Diablo 4:

  • Diablo 4 has been out for a little over a month now and some have been going all out, using every free moment to kill mobs and farm loot.
  • There isn’t much to do for these players at the moment, especially since the endgame is described by many as not being optimal: the dopamain kick is missing
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    It’s okay to play something else – we do that too

    What the developers say: During a live stream from Blizzard last week, the developers made a clear statement as to how Diablo 4 is intended.

    Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora advised:

    If you’ve met the goals and done the things that are important to you and you want to take a break and play something else, that’s great. We will do the same.

    The start of a new season is a good time to come back and get fresh with Diablo 4.

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    Another developer, Tim Ismay, says with a smile:

    I want to be honest. When the next WoW expansion comes out, there’s a not exactly 0 percent chance that I’ll be playing that for a while. But it will be great to know that I can come back to Diablo 4 and start all over again.

    Game boss Rob Fergusson explains another benefit of the system:

    It’s a live service game. When someone buys Diablo 4 in a year’s time, we don’t want them to feel like they’re way behind.

    Therefore, it is not a problem to suspend a season or two.

    The boss says: If you’re at Season 4 and someone buys the game fresh, they’re just as level 1 as the one who’s been playing it for a year.

    That’s behind it: This “frustration after the first honeymoon” is a phenomenon that is known from many games that are designed as “games as a service”:

  • People play an insane amount at the beginning, a game is never played as much as in the “initial level phase”
  • The frequent players are through after 2-6 weeks and complain that there is nothing more to do because the developers cannot deliver content as quickly as players consume it
  • However, the game has taken up a large part of their daily routine up to this point and they yearn to continue – but there is nothing to do and it quickly becomes stale
  • Now the mood often changes and the initially so loved game is described as boring, “not worth the money” – the developers are suddenly lazy or the game is worthless
  • Blizzard says clearly here: Diablo 4 is not intended for you to play non-stop throughout the year. But you should always take breaks, play something else and then return with a new season in Diablo 4. Or not and you skip a season, come back later.

    In that sense, you don’t “miss” anything either, because the hunt starts all over again with the new season.

    According to Blizzard, “if you’re playing something else” ideally means World of Warcraft:

    Here are some alternatives:

    Games Like Diablo – Who Needs Diablo 4? Here are 10 current alternatives
