As part of the International Aerospace Expo 2954, you can currently play perhaps the most ambitious project in video game history for free. MeinMMO summarizes all the details about Star Citizen’s “Free Fly” event.
How can I play Star Citizen for free? The International Aerospace Expo 2954 (IAE for short) runs until December 5, 2024 and for just as long you can play the ambitious SciFi MMO from Cloud Imperium (for which more than 5.4 million supporters have so far raised over 744 million US dollars (via try it out for free.
Anyone who creates an account for the first time in order to take part in the “Free Fly” event will receive 5,000 credits for the shop.
With Alpha Patch 3.24 some new hangar features came to Star Citizen:
Star Citizen: Everything is better with its own hangar – trailer presents features of patch 3.24
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Try the latest alpha patch
What content is playable? Alpha patch 3.24.3 has been on the live environment for a few days. It builds on update 3.24 from August 2024, which, among other things, brought the personal hangar with ship lift, cargo elevators and cargo missions into the game. During the test you should also be able to try out more than 150 spaceships (via
It should be clear to you during the test that Star Citizen is still a while away from its final launch. In addition, in terms of timing, it would certainly have been more exciting to be able to take a look at Star Citizen after the implementation of Update 4.0 (and the associated progress wipe). Luckily, the “Free Fly” events take place quite regularly.
What’s coming with Alpha 4.0? Due to the postponements of all engineering features (including life support and fire system) as well as the early implementation of some 4.0 innovations with Alpha 3.24.2 (such as multi-tool updates and new vehicle HUD), the list of features for the next update will shrink down properly.
If you’re wondering what’s going on with the story release Squadron 42, there was a sobering update at CitizenCon 2024 in October 2024: Single-player game for Star Citizen has all the features, shows great gameplay, and isn’t coming out for a long time