Platini and Blatter tried for fraud in June in Switzerland

Lausanne (AFP) – Michel Platini and the ex-president of Fifa Sepp Blatter will appear for fraud from June 8 to 22 in Switzerland, in the suspicious payment case which has placed them since 2015 on the ban of world football.

The 66-year-old Frenchman and the 86-year-old Swiss will also be tried for “ unfair management “, ” hastrusted bus ” and ” wrong in titles “In the same case, said Tuesday the Federal Criminal Court of Bellinzona, in the canton of Ticino (south-east).

After more than six years of a highly publicized investigation, the two allies turned rivals are accused of having ” illegally obtained, to the detriment of Fifa, a payment of 2 million Swiss francs “(1.8 million euros)” in favor of Michel Platini “, Specifies the jurisdiction.

Targeted one like the other by other procedures, in France for Michel Platini and in Switzerland for Sepp Blatter, they incur five years of imprisonment or a fine if they are found guilty of fraud.

“illegitimate enrichment”

In this part, the first to earn them a trial, the two defendants move towards the epilogue of the affair which shattered their career at the top of world football, at the very moment when Michel Platini seemed ideally placed to take over the presidency. of FIFA.

Former UEFA boss Michel Platini upon his arrival at the Bern prosecutor's office on March 15, 2021

In detail, defense and prosecution agree on one point: the triple Ballon d’Or advised Sepp Blatter well between 1998 and 2002, during the latter’s first term at the head of Fifa, and the two men signed in 1999 a written contract agreeing to an annual remuneration of 300,000 Swiss francs, ” invoiced by Mr. Platini and fully paid by Fifa “, according to the prosecution.

But in 2011, more than eight years after the end of his advisory activity “, the ex-captain of the Blues” asserted a claim of 2 million Swiss francs “, acquitted by the football body ” with the competition by Sepp Blatter, the prosecution recalled in November.

For the prosecution, it is a payment ” unfounded “, who ” damaged the assets of Fifa and procured Mr. Platini an illegitimate enrichment “.

Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter prepares to leave the prosecutor's office in Zurich after his hearing, August 9, 2021

The two men hammer on their side, since the beginning of the investigation, that they had orally decided on an annual salary of one million Swiss francs, without the finances of Fifa not allowing it at the time. payment to Mr. Platini, and simply settled the balance late.

Infantino’s Shadow

Sweeping away the idea of ​​​​a discreet arrangement to hide this sum, Sepp Blatter never ceased to recall that all the competent bodies of Fifa had validated the payment, that the body had paid the corresponding pension contributions and that Michel Platini had ” paid taxes on this amount at his Swiss place of residence “.

For the prosecution, it is on the contrary an additional sign that the financial management of Fifa has been fooled by a fictitious invoice.

The hearing should also shed light on the circumstances in which this affair broke out in 2015, four years after the settlement of the two million, in a context marked by the race to succeed Sepp Blatter, after a series of scandals involving South-South officials. American football.

UEFA boss Michel Platini speaks with his right-hand man Gianni Infantino during a press briefing in Tel Aviv, March 25, 2010

The two defendants have long suspected the current boss of Fifa, Gianni Infantino, or his entourage, of having alerted the prosecution to this old transaction: then right arm of Michel Platini at the head of UEFA, the Italian- Switzerland had defied all predictions by taking control of world football after the sidelining of its boss.

However, Swiss justice has been investigating in parallel since July 2020 the “ collusion “From his former chief prosecutor with Gianni Infantino, after three secret meetings between the two men.
