Plantar wart: what is it?

Plantar wart what is it

A plantar wart is a small skin growth caused by a papillomavirus (HPV). It occurs by contamination, often when walking barefoot in a gym, swimming pool or beach, when hot water softens the skin and weakens the feet. However, it takes repeated contact or injury for the virus penetrates the skin. As it is located on the sole of the foot, the wart is sometimes bothersome and painful when walking due to the pressure body weight.

How to recognize a wart?

A wart is deep and bounded by a small ring of horniness (hardened skin), with a center speckled with small black dots, which are actually blood vessels. There is also a “mosaic” form, when the warts are grouped into patches of thickened skin. The latter is generally less painful and shallower.

Plantar wart: how to cure it?

In a healthy person, two-thirds of common warts disappear on their own within two years. the best treatment therefore consists of… doing nothing.

If the wart persists for more than two years or is painful, it is possible to burn it with nitrogen liquid. This treatment, performed by a dermatologist, does not require anesthesia and can be repeated if necessary. The wart can also be treated with a preparation based onacid salicylic which removes excess keratin. This method is however quite restrictive, because you have to apply the product every day for several weeks and regularly scrape off the dead skin. Salicylic acid is also contraindicated in children and people diabetics.

Warts: methods not recommended

Many “natural” remedies are offered to cure warts: garliccastor oil ortea treevinegar, celandine… Not only are they ineffective compared to a placebobut they risk sustaining infection and auto-contamination. Surgical methods (ablation by scalpel, scraping or laser) are also not recommended because they cause microtrauma favoring recurrences and leave scars. scars.

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