During an interview conducted this Monday, April 15, Emmanuel Macron revealed the other plans for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.
The opening ceremony of Paris 2024 Olympics is meant to be grandiose and unique. On the Seine, under the open sky, the parade and the spectacle must leave spectators and observers speechless. But because of security risks, this ceremony is still uncertain and many are asking for a plan B and even C.
100 days before the kick-off, Emmanuel Macron gave an interview to BFM TV where he took stock and finally discussed what was planned in the event of cancellation of this ceremony. “This opening ceremony “ along the Seine, “ this is a first in the world. We can do it and we will do it “, declared the President of the Republic. But, according to him, ” there are plans B and even plans C “, “ and we prepare them in parallel “, “ we will do a real-time analysis “ risks. The Stade de France track as plan B for the opening ceremony is now in place. In the event of a terrorist threat deemed high enough, the opening ceremony could also be “limited to Trocadéro”.
So that everything happens calmly and that this ceremony can take place correctly, Emmanuel Macron also assured “ wanting to do everything to have an Olympic truce “ during the Olympics (from July 26 to August 11), which must be “ such a diplomatic moment, of peace “. ” We want to work towards the Olympic truce and I think that this is an opportunity on which I will try to involve many of our partners “.