As it is known, our world is around the solar system, but we are not the only planet around the solar system. eight planets and the total of these planets 158 satellite available. These planets do not have their own light, they reflect the light they receive from the sun. Each of these 8 planets found is different in size. In this article, we will talk about planets and their order of magnitude.
It is the largest planet in the Solar System. By distance from the sun fifth place takes place. It takes its name from Jupiter, the greatest of the gods in Roman mythology.

In order of proximity of the Solar System to the Sun is the 6th planet. After Jupiter in size Second income. It takes its name from Kronos in Greek mythology.

Uranus in order of the Solar System’s distance from the Sun It is the 7th planet. After Jupiter and Saturn in terms of diameter third is ranked.

Neptune is the eighth planet in the Solar System, the farthest from the Sun and has no solid surface. With a diameter of 49,138 kilometers fourth is the largest planet.

Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System and is currently the only astronomical object known to have life and liquid water on it. In the Solar System with a diameter of 12,709 kilometers fifth largest is the planet.

Venus or Cholpan is the second planet in the Solar System in terms of distance from the Sun and the first in terms of temperature. In the Solar System with a diameter of 12,346 kilometers sixth largest is the planet.

Mars is the fourth planet of the Solar System from the Sun. It is named after Mars, the god of war in Roman mythology. In the Solar System with a diameter of 6,767 kilometers seventh largest is the planet.

Mercury in the Solar System smallest and is the closest planet to the Sun.
See also: Watch the Ice Planet Uranus Exploration Live at the Weekend