(Finance) – As of 31 December 2024, the group Planetel leader of the homonymous group that operates in the telecommunications sector at national level, has achieved a sales deriving from the characteristic management for 37.2 million euros with an increase of 12% compared to the 33.3 million euros of the same period as the year 2023.
The production value It is equal to € 39.5 million, an increase of 13% yoy compared to € 35.1 million of the year 2023.
The 9.3 million Ebitda records an increase of +14% compared to 8.2 million euros in 2023 (24% Ebitda Margin). THE’Ebit of 2.1 million euros marks a 10% increase compared to 1.9 million euros in 2023 (5% Ebit Margin). The result is influenced by the effects deriving from the consolidation operations consisting of amortization on the goodwill generated by the elctions of the participations, which in the year have affected about 0.7 million euros. THE’Ebit adjustedneutralized by the effects of the depreciation of Goodwill, amounts to 2.7 million euros (+4%).
The Net result The period highlights a profit of 1.3 million euros (4% on the value of the turnover) compared to the result of 1.4 million euros of the same period of 2023, for the impact of the depreciation on Goodwill and as a result of the infragroup dividends. The Net ADJUSTED resultderiving from the neutralization of the effects of the depreciation on Goodwill and from the eldering of the infragroup dividends amounts to 3.2 million euros (+28%).
There Net financial position At 31 December 2024 it is negative cash for 16.8 million euros compared to a negative cash position of € 13.3 million of the year 2023.
Guidance 2025 growing
Despite the competitive context, “Planel’s management remains confident for the future, strong in the strategies adopted and provides for a growing 2025”.
The Board of Directors will propose to the shareholders’ meeting to allocate the 2024 operating result, equal to 2,159,340 euros, for € 107,967 per legal reserve; For Euro 789,570 to ordinary dividends, attributing to each action, with the exclusion of its own actions in portfolio, a Gross unitary dividend of € 0.12; As for the difference, equal to € 1,261,803, to extraordinary reserve.
The proposed distribution of the dividend provides for the following calendar: Date of detachment coupon on May 5, 2025, the date of legitimacy (record dates) on May 6, 2025 and payment date on May 7, 2025.
The Board of Directors of Planetel approved to convene the ordinary shareholders’ meeting for April 24, 2025 on first call and, necessary, on April 28, 2025 on second call.