Piovan, exposure in Russia and Ukraine equal to 0.8% of turnover

Piovan exposure in Russia and Ukraine equal to 08 of

(Finance) – Piovan has a’exposure towards the areas involved in the conflict in Ukraine “relatively contained compared to its total assets “. Based on preliminary 2021 data and also including the contribution of the recent acquisition of IPEG, the turnover generated by the group in Russia and Ukraine was equal to 0.8% of consolidated turnoverreads a note from the company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the development and production of automation systems for production processes for the storage, transport and treatment of polymers, plastic and food powders.

Piovan “makes itself available if its support can be useful in the actions that can be carried out in support of the populations involved, in full compliance with the evolution of international regulations and is evaluating any support initiatives“continues the note.
