When two Brant OPP officers came to a pork in the road, they had to demonstrate they were just as fleet of hoof as their four-footed subject.
Calls came in to the OPP Tuesday night about a pink piglet roaming near the eastbound lanes of Highway 403 near the Paris Road interchange – a porcine situation that could have endangered drivers.
When the suspect resisted arrest, Constables Jordan Garton and Rudi Louw gave chase, an effort that took them about 30 minutes before they clapped hands (although not cuffs) on the squealing little porker and wrestled it into their cruiser.

It turned out the piglet escaped custody, likely by sneaking through the bars of a transport truck, as evidenced by a bit of road rash from the daring breakout.
Once handed over to Hillside Kennels, Tracey Gibson, who co-owns the kennels with partner Maddy Riddell, said she wasn’t going to try and return the tagged piglet to the transport facility as it would eventually be heading to a slaughterhouse.
“And I wasn’t going to post, ‘Hey, does anyone want a pig?’ because lots of people would have taken it for the meat,” said Gibson.
Instead, the little pig of the litter was handed over to Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge and from there landed safely at a hobby farm where it’s been named Charlotte.
From a breakout attempt to freedom to in-custody to a happy ending. That’ll do.