Pink, red, brown… What does the color of your period mean and when to worry? The response from our gynecologist

Pink red brown… What does the color of your period

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    Blood during menstruation may change color. Other losses may also occur outside of this period. How do I know what this means and when to consult? Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee, enlightens us.

    During your period, blood may change color. Quite light, bright red or brown, its color is actually linked to the physiology of the woman. “The blood coming out of the cervix is ​​bright red, the same as that seen in the tubes during a blood test.” explains gynecologist Odile Bagot. “It’s from vagina that the changes take place.

    Blood of different colors, depending on the vagina

    The main colors of period blood vary around the shade of red. Here’s what can happen and related explanations.

    • If the blood is light red in color on the sanitary napkin, “this simply means that it is a small amount of blood loss and therefore rather pink” explains Odile Bagot;
    • If the blood is bright red in color, “This is a greater loss, with blood that does not stagnate in the vagina but flows straight away.” specifies our expert;
    • If the blood is darker red in color, with clots, “This happens when the periods are heavy but the woman has a deep vaginal fornix and a firm perineum: the blood will then tend to stagnate and coagulate, which explains the clots and the color. ;
    • If the blood is brown, it is “the blood color that has aged and had time to dry, in a way” indicates the expert. “It’s usually blood that shows the end of the period.”

    Two other losses of blood for which you must consult

    If menstruation is a physiological loss of blood, there is also certain loss in women – with blood or not – outside the cycle.

    • Some discharges may show a trickle of blood, outside of menstruation” indicates Odile Bagot. “This will be a light orange or red discharge, which indicates slight blood loss related to ovulationnothing serious”.
    • Leukorrhea is vaginal discharge in women, which does not present blood but can be “greenish in color” and “smelly”, explains our expert. “In this case, and especially if it is accompanied by irritation and pelvic pain, you should consult a doctor without delay.” recommends the gynecologist.
    • Finally, there is pathological bleeding, outside the period, which corresponds to an emergency. “This is brownish blood loss, which occurs when your period is late. This can show the occurrence of a ectopic pregnancy and the patient must be treated immediately, urgently.” concludes the specialist.

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