Pierre was struck by lightning – miraculously survived

While playing golf, Pierre Dahmén was suddenly struck by lightning – and went into cardiac arrest for 35 minutes before being revived.
He had angelic guardianship – and survived thanks to the heroic efforts of three people.
– It’s a miracle, he says to TV4’s Efter fem.

During a golf competition at Falkenberg’s GK, Pierre Dahmén was struck by lightning, which Hallandsposten previously reported on.

He remembers coming to the golf course with his friend Christer and managed to play six holes before the lightning struck. Then he remembers nothing more.

– I have no memory at all of anything.

“I had three angels”

It was nine days that disappeared during his amnesia but he has been told what really happened after he was struck by lightning.

– I had three angels. It was Mia, Olle and a guy called Göran. They struggled for twelve minutes before the ambulance arrived. Then the ambulance was here for 22 minutes. For 35 minutes I had cardiac arrest. If they hadn’t struggled, which meant getting oxygen to my brain, I wouldn’t have woken up, or woken up like a cucumber.

Back on the golf course

He had therefore been in cardiac arrest for 35 minutes when he was finally taken to hospital and was close to death. The clothes Pierre was wearing during the accident show the force of the lightning strike, they are completely torn to shreds.

– It is a miracle. I had quite a few burns from the accident, but strangely it seems to be only superficial. They have scanned the head and no internal organs have run out.

Today he is fine, apart from aching arms, and is happy to be back on the golf course.

– Now I have been here on the golf course every day and have hit a few shots, he says and continues later:

– That’s life!

Today 18:01

Watch the full interview in the player above

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