Pierre Palmade accident: update on the health of the three injured

Pierre Palmade accident update on the health of the three

The road accident involving Pierre Palmade claimed three other victims. Two of them, the 40-year-old driver and a 6-year-old child, are still in serious condition.

[Mis à jour le 14 février 2023 à 9h40] The accident of Pierre Palmade caused three other serious injuries on Friday February 10, 2023: a pregnant woman of more than 6 months, her 40-year-old brother-in-law who was the driver of the vehicle collided with the comedian, and a six-year-old child. The pregnant woman has lost her child, but her life is no longer in danger. Following this tragedy, the prosecutor decided to reclassify the investigation as homicide and unintentional injuries by driver resulting in total incapacity for more than three months.

The three victims are still hospitalized. According to information from CNews on Monday, the driver, “polytraumatized” will be operated on for a sixth time, this time on the spinal cord. He would have already had heart surgery. However, BFM TV told us on Sunday that his days are no longer in danger, even if he remains seriously injured. However, her six-year-old son is still in a coma after suffering severe trauma to the skull and jaw.

For his part, Pierre Palmade was placed in intensive care. While his vital prognosis was engaged on Friday, the day of the accident, his days are no longer in danger since Saturday, his relatives announced in a press release. A fifth person was involved in the accident: an 80-year-old man, who occupied a third car involved, who was however slightly injured.

The relatives of the pregnant woman, who went to the Kremlin-Bicêtre, where she was operated on, shared their concerns about her state of health, reports RTL. Asked by BFM-TV, Sunday, February 12, a relative of the father of the family gave his news. The man’s vital prognosis would no longer be engaged, but he still has to undergo several arm and leg operations. Still according to this relative, the child will not be able to be awakened before Monday, February 13. The doctors will then see if he has any sequelae from the accident, but the boy is injured in the jaw and in the skull.

Pierre Palmade reportedly lost control of his vehicle on Friday, February 10, after consuming cocaine. He was sentenced in 2019 to 1500 euros for use and possession of narcotics. The actor, who will be questioned by the police when his condition allows it, should be heard under police custody.
