Pierre Palmade accident: two men still on the run, who are they?

Pierre Palmade accident two men still on the run who

Two men who were in Pierre Palmade’s car at the time of his accident on February 10 are still on the run, while the individual who claimed to be one of them confessed to having lied.

[Mis à jour le 14 février 2023 à 14h42] New twist in the case Pierre Palmade. An individual who claimed to be one of the comedian’s passengers in his serious car accident on February 10 has confessed to authorities that he lied. According to information from BFM TV, he made a bet with an acquaintance and pretended to be one of the men on the run. He was found drunk overnight from Monday to Tuesday and questioned by the authorities to verify the veracity of his statements.

Two men are therefore still wanted by the authorities in the Palmade case. According to several witnesses, two men in their twenties fled just after the accident, which left four seriously injured including the comedian, a pregnant woman who lost her baby, her brother-in-law and a six-year-old child. The police have indicated in recent hours that they have all the necessary elements to “go back” to the fugitives. On February 13, at the microphone of franceinfo, the spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior, Camille Chaize, asked the two men to go “to any police station or gendarmerie brigade to explain the facts.” The police, however, would have “a lot of evidence” to find the trail of the individuals on the run. The two individuals concerned risk prosecution for “non-assistance to persons in danger”.

Former escort boys

The two men on the run since the accident are said to be former escort boys. Pierre Palmade would have met them on social networks. They would then have bonded “around regular relations based on the party”. They had been staying with the comedian in Cély-en-Bière since February 9, according to information from the Parisian. A search took place at the home of Pierre Palmade on Sunday February 12 in order to find them, without success. It would seem that a party would have been organized in the 24 hours preceding the accident at the comedian’s house with four other people.

The fugitives were filmed

The two men on the run after the Pierre Palmade accident were nevertheless filmed. Motorists who witnessed the collision were able to film the scene using their vehicle’s on-board camera. They provided these images to the investigators, in which we can see two men walking away from the scene of the accident, relays Le Parisien. The Melun prosecutor’s office also requested that the films from the video surveillance system of the municipality of Cély-en-Bière be requisitioned, in order to follow their route. Did the two men who fled go back to Pierre Palmade? Witnesses also claim to have met two men, hoods on their heads, heading towards the town of Cély-en-Bière where the comedian’s residence is located.
