▸ Last year, 14-year-olds Mohamed and Layth were found murdered in two different forest areas in Stockholm. The preliminary investigation is now in its final stages – but an important piece of the puzzle is still missing. For just over a year, the police have investigated the murders, and this fall senior prosecutor and preliminary investigation leader Hanna Cardell will bring charges. But first she pleads to be allowed to share footage of the murders – which is spread among social media accounts. – We received information early on that both murders were filmed. During the course of the investigation, we have confiscated a huge number of mobile phones, but we have not been able to find the videos in the material we have gone through. – We understand that the videos of the murders abound in a certain environment where people usually do not want to talk to the police. But it is possible to submit the material anonymously. Call 114 14 and you can be guided on how to submit anonymously, says Hanna Cardell.
Piece of the puzzle is missing in the murders of the 14-year-olds