Picnic ban after swine fever case in Rome

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After the swine fever case in Rome, a picnic ban was decided.

The local government announced that the viral disease, known as “African swine fever”, is not transmitted to humans, but measures have been taken to prevent its spread among pigs and wild boars.

As part of the measures, a large area in the north-west of Rome was declared a “red zone”. Picnics and similar collective events were banned in this area, and measures were taken, such as fencing the trash cans to prevent wild boars from accessing them.

Citizens were also called to disinfect their shoes after nature walks or farm visits in this region, and to call a 24-hour hotline if they see a sick or dead boar.

The Lazio regional administration, which includes Rome, announced that these decisions were taken after African swine fever was detected in a dead wild boar.

‘Romans are captives of wild boars’

The wild boar population in and around Rome is estimated to be over 20 thousand. The entry of wild boars into areas where people live, especially in the northern regions of the capital, has been a controversial issue for a long time. Images of wild boars taken around garbage cans in parks close to settlements are often on the agenda.

Last week, the controversy flared up again after a woman was injured by wild boars in a neighborhood in the northwest of the city.

The Italian Association of Agriculturists (Coldiretti) made a statement on this subject during the week and said, “The inhabitants of Rome have become captives of wild boars. This situation, which we have been complaining about for years, has now become out of control and unacceptable.”

On the swine fever case, Health Minister Roberto Speranza said that they were following the issue “with the utmost care”.

Andrea Costa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, stated that the plan to reduce the wild boar population is also on the agenda. “I respect the sensitivities of animal rights and environmental activists, but we are facing an emergency and we must address it with urgent action. This includes a plan to reduce the number of wild boars,” Costa said.
