(Finance) – Milan is weak together with the other Euroland stock exchangeswho serve the wait for the rise in US rates which will be announced by the Fed tomorrow and for quarterly that will arrive in the next few days, opening the season also in Italy.
NegativeEuro / US dollar, down by 0.78%. L’Gold the session continues at the levels of the day before, reporting a variation equal to -0.06%. Strong gains day for Light Sweet Crude Oil, up 1.66%.
Slightly up spreadwhich is positioned at +235 basis points, with a timid increase of 3 basis points, with the yield of the 10-year BTP equal to 3.24%.
In the European stock market scenario negative session for Frankfurtwhich shows a loss of 0.88%, positive balance for Londonwhich boasts a progress of 0.51%, and substantially weak Pariswhich recorded a decline of 0.41%.
Negative session for Piazza Affari, with the FTSE MIB which is leaving 0.90% on the parterre; along the same lines, widespread sales on the FTSE Italia All-Share, which continues the day at 23,276 points. Below parity the FTSE Italia Mid Cap, which shows a decline of 0.64%; with the same direction, the slightly negative FTSE Italia Star (-0.52%).
Between best performers of Milan, in evidence Italgas (+ 1.32%), Terna (+ 0.83%), ENI (+ 0.83%) e Leonardo (+ 0.80%).
The strongest falls, on the other hand, occur on A2Awhich continues the session with -2.78%.
Letter on DiaSorinwhich records a significant decline of 2.58%.
Goes down BPERwith a fall of 2.29%.
Under pressure Banca Generaliwhich shows a decrease of 2.28%.
Between best stocks in the FTSE MidCap, Saras (+ 4.29%), BF (+ 1.99%), Bff Bank (+ 1.23%) e Intercos (+ 1.22%).
The strongest falls, on the other hand, occur on OVSwhich continues the session with -4.11%.
Collapses Tod’swith a decrease of 3.63%.
Sales hands on Mfe Awhich suffers a decrease of 3.52%.
Bad performance for Mfe Bwhich recorded a decline of 3.48%.