Photos taken with Xiaomi 14 [Galeri]

Photos taken with Xiaomi 14 Galeri

We will share a detailed review in the coming days. Xiaomi 14 We took pictures with him in various places. The camera, which we tested in various places in Assos and Istanbul, which we visited for the holiday, generally exceeded our expectations.

Promising good performance in both good light and low light conditions, the main camera of the Xiaomi 14 model supports 50 megapixel resolution. The phone can take more detailed photos at this resolution value, which you can activate from the camera settings. The phone, which also has optical image stabilization, has a 50 megapixel telephoto camera in addition to this camera. Device It can achieve 3.2 times optical zoom with this camera. The phone, which can digital zoom up to 60 times, also has a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. The phone, which can record 8K video at 24 frames per second, also supports 4K video recording at 60 frames per second. Video features such as HDR10+, 10-bit Dolby Vision HDR and 10-bit LOG are also available on the phone. The phone, which has a successful performance with its rear camera, also carries this performance to the front camera.


How much is the price of Xiaomi 14 in Türkiye?

on the front camera 32 megapixels The front camera of the phone where the camera is preferred can record 4K video. The front camera also has both portrait and night mode features. The price of the phone, which has two different color options, in Turkey is 49,999 TL. You can access the photos we took with our phone through the gallery at the beginning of the news.
