Philips respirators: 217 patients file a complaint against the Dutch manufacturer

Philips respirators 217 patients file a complaint against the Dutch

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    According to information from our colleagues from Radio France, no less than 217 people have filed a complaint against Philips, in the so-called case of respirators. According to the information provided by the lawyer for these plaintiffs, Maître Christophe Lèguevaques, other people could join the ranks.

    According to the latest revelations from the investigation unit of French Radio, 217 patients filed a complaint against Philips. The object of their anger: the marketing but also the late withdrawal from the market of respirators provided to patients (which some still use), containing within it a foam suspected of being carcinogenic.

    Filing of a complaint for “deception, endangering the lives of others and administration of harmful substances”

    The Philips company is thus accused, before the Paris public health center of “deception, endangering the life of others and administering harmful substances” notably.

    Three people even filed a complaint for manslaughter, accusing the Dutch giant of having provided equipment that would have made patients sick, instead of treating them.

    Towards the upcoming appointment of a judge?

    For the patients’ lawyer, Maître Christophe Lèguevaques, these complaints are the hope of moving the file forward. “Philips does not play the game. It does not transmit all the information and opposes us with business secrecy. I hope that soon a judge will be able to deploy the whole armada of means and procedures necessary to reveal the truth“.

    Other patients should also file a complaint soon. They would have contacted the lawyer via the platform he set up, with a view to group action. There would be more than 200, according to the words of the lawyer.
