Pharmanutra, Sideral brand products start marketing in Germany

Pharmanutra Sideral brand products start marketing in Germany

(Telestock) – PharmaNutraa company founded in 2003 by the brothers Andrea and Roberto Lacorte, specialized in the sector of mineral-based nutritional supplements and medical devices for muscles and joints, announces the imminent realization of the partnership signed in 2021 with Fresenius Kabiwhich is crucial in the project of spreading its products in Europe.

SiderAL Forte 30mg (in stick format) and SiderAL 14mg (in stick format), two products from the line of iron-based nutritional supplements made using Sucrosomial Technology, will be distributed in Germany by Fresenius Kabi, a multinational company specializing in drugs and technologies for infusion, transfusion and clinical nutrition, used for the treatment of critically ill patients or those suffering from chronic diseases.

The launch event of Sideral products will be held in Frankfurt on September 18th with the commercial network of the German company and the Management of PharmaNutra.

“The period of time between the signing of the agreement with Fresenius Kabi and the marketing of the first two SiderAL branded products was used to carry out focus groups and market research, which were essential for the correct definition of the positioning of the products themselves on the German market”, comments Carlo Volpi, Managing Director of PharmaNutra. “We are really excited to finally launch our Sucrosomial Iron in Germany with such a strong and important partner as Fresenius Kabi, also known for its intense scientific research activity. This is a fundamental aspect that will allow us to make the most of the enormous potential of our
patented technology”.
