Millions of lives could be saved by a series of breakthrough vaccines. The pharmaceutical company Moderna believes that most evidence suggests that vaccines against cancer and heart disease will be available before 2030, The Guardian reports. – It will save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives, says Paul Burton, Chief Medical Officer, Moderna. The company has conducted several studies on different types of vaccines. According to doctors, the experiences during the pandemic have meant that the equivalent of 15 years of progress in research has been carried out in just a few years. The pandemic made the research possible Paul Burton believes that it will be possible to offer vaccines “against all possible diseases” within five years. Moderna had one of the most used vaccines against the coronavirus and has now shifted its focus to long-term research work regarding vaccines against cancer. – I think we will be able to offer personalized vaccines against cancer that can attack a range of different tumors – and we will be able to offer the vaccine to people all over the world, he says. Burton cites the increased funding received by research groups as a direct deciding factor. During the pandemic, the financial conditions for conducting the ground-breaking research have improved considerably. If research is to continue at the same pace, investments in the area must continue. – The pandemic enabled us to scale up the business. Decades of research could be completed in just one year, he says. See more in the player above.
Pharmaceutical company forecast: Cancer vaccine – before 2030