Peugeot also announced that it will add ChatGPT to its vehicles

Peugeot also announced that it will add ChatGPT to its

Giant automobile manufacturer based in Germany Volkswagen after that Peugeot to their vehicles ChatGPT will add announced.

This beautiful development was announced by Peugeot Türkiye as follows: “ChatGPT is offered with i-COCKPIT on all models. Peugeot has implemented the customer experience, one of the 5 elements of the E-Lion project, and ChatGPT technology in all passenger and commercial vehicles.Starting from the second half of 2024, primarily in 5 pilot markets) takes it even further by offering it in its product range. ChatGPT, the best known productive artificial intelligence model, is integrated into the Peugeot i-Cockpit and turns into a real companion that can answer countless questions and requests on all kinds of topics through the OK Peugeot voice assistant. When the OK Peugeot voice assistant is activated, simply speaking the query is enough for ChatGPT to respond in an enriched way. Generative AI can provide answers to specific questions. For example, it can recommend places to visit in a city and direct the user there in coordination with the navigation system. But it can also add color to the journey by interacting with passengers and support the user’s creativity.”


CES 2024 According to the statement made within the scope of OpenAI Generative artificial intelligence-based chat bot developed by ChatGPT, As of the second quarter of 2024 Volkswagen It will also become a part of the vehicles. The system, which will come to ID series electric vehicles as well as popular models such as Tiguan, Passat and Golf, will allow people to communicate with their vehicles at a level never before. Thanks to ChatGPT, detailed information can be obtained on many subjects while driving or vehicle features can be managed by telling the chat bot. The first person to take a step in this regard is It wasn’t Volkswagen.

One of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers Mercedes-Benz, some vehicles in the past months ChatGPT brought. It was announced that it would first take this step based in the USA. Mercedes-Benz, Built on the GPT language model by OpenAI ChatGPT It brings a much more advanced digital or virtual assistant to drivers and passengers. “MBUX” Within the scope of this step taken centered on the in-vehicle system The company started ChatGPT beta tests on June 16process “Hey Mercedes” integrated into its infrastructure.

In this way, after saying “Hey Mercedes” to MBUX, the answers to the questions are taken from ChatGPT and transferred to the driver. The voice-activated system can thus provide people with detailed information on almost any subject. An explanation about this system Mercedes-Benz, Users will experience a voice assistant in their vehicle that not only recognizes voice commands like a human, but can also chat. “Soon, drivers will be able to get details about their destination, a new recipe or answers to complex questions from the voice assistant, all while keeping their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.” he said.
