Petter Northug’s play against Therese Johaug for the World Cup end

Therese Johaug has two silver medals so far in the World Cup.
Norwegian ski icon Petter Northug does not think she will take any gold.
“The technology was not as it usually does,” he says in SVT.

After the 2021/2022 season the Norwegian giant ended Therese Johaug36, his active career. By then she had won five Olympic medals (three gold), 19 World Cup medals (14 gold) and one gentleman’s mass of World Cup victories. But in 2024, she decided to make an unexpected venture again, after giving birth to children and starting several different projects. The big goal was to win gold at the home World Cup in Trondheim.

Northug does not recognize Johaug

However, there has been no gold so far for Johaug. Both in the skiathlon (20 km) and 10 km in classic style. She has come second behind Ebba Andersson27, in both races. It has come as a shock to most that she has not won any World Cup gold already.

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One who says he doesn’t really recognize Johaug is the former big star Petter Northug39.
– She seems to have been a little stressed in the World Cup, she has been faster before. Yesterday on the mile with fresh snow and sluggish before it was not perfect conditions for taking a World Cup gold. But since the technology was not as it usually does and Therese was not at her best, she probably became a little stressed after losing the sprint against Ebba on Skiathlon. She took that with her at the mile, he says in SVT’s “Aktuellt”.

Doubtful if Johaug wins the World Cup gold

Now he is doubtful if there is even a gold medal for Therese Johaug in this championship, even though she has two more chances.
– So now it is not certain that Therese will take gold here in Trondheim. Then the comeback has been a disappointment, because she wanted to win the World Cup gold at home.

Read more: The expert’s clear judgment on Therese Johaug after two World Cup silver

If she is selected in the Norwegian relay quartet, she will compete again on Friday. Otherwise, she has to wait until Sunday when the women’s five miles will take place. It is the last day of the ski World Cup.

Do you think Therese Johaug wins any gold medal in this World Cup? Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts!

