![United Way of Sarnia-Lambton](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/so-0708-so-beer.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288&h=216&sig=E69fd2xBBQv6jjJJVzIukg)
Sarnia-Lambton residents are being asked to belly up to a summer fundraiser for the United Way in partnership with Petrolia’s Black Gold Brewery.
The brewery’s Liquid Gold cream ale has been rebranded with United Way of Sarnia-Lambton logos this summer and a portion of the proceeds from each can or glass sold will go the agency’s upcoming fundraising campaign.
“It was an idea I had from another United Way, the United Way of Oxford County,” said Dave Brown, executive director of the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton.
“They had partnered with a local micro-brewery, so I took the idea and brought it to Black Gold Brewery in Petrolia. They loved the idea and made my idea even bigger and better.”
The United Way beer can be purchased at the brewery, located at 395 Fletcher St., Petrolia, or pre-ordered online at www.theunitedway.on.ca for pickup at the United Way office on Lambton Mall Road in Sarnia.
Cans and draft also are available at several local restaurants and bars, including John’s Restaurant and Los Puntos Cantina in Point Edward.
Brown said the United Way website will be updated as the beer becomes available at more locations.
Black Gold Brewery is donating a minimum of 50 cents from the sale of each can and glass sold on tap during the summer.
Brown said the timing of the partnership “is perfect, leading into the campaign.”
The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton funds nearly 30 programs and services, provided by 18 local agencies, through its annual fundraising campaign that officially begins Sept. 19 with the annual day of caring.
“One of our niches is local agencies, local funding,” Brown said. “So, what we’ve been trying to do with some of our fundraising is to involve local businesses.”
That has included United Way donuts made and sold by Global Donuts and Deli in Sarnia and a thanks-a-latte fundraiser with Coffee Lodge.
“This, to me, was a natural fit,” Brown said about the local United Way’s first promotion with one of the area’s breweries.
“I think what we’re doing is a great way to not only make them some money, but to get some exposure and remind people what the United Way does,” said brewery co-owner Bernie Brocklehurst.
“I think the United Way is a great organization and I think we should keep them in mind 12 months of the year and not just during the campaign,” he said.
The beer selected for the United Way partnership is one of the brewery’s highest volume sellers, he said.
“It’s a nice light beer, which I personally like,” Brown said. “It has just a bit of a citrus flavour, which I think makes it an ideal beer for summer and early fall.”
The United Way has been expanding its fundraising beyond traditional workplace contribution campaigns as the world of work has changed in recent years.
“We’re trying to make supporting the United Way cool and fun,” Brown said.
“We’ve really got to think outside the box and be as creative as we can,” he said.
“Our role today is just as important as it was 30 or 40 years ago, with the funding of from-poverty-to-possibility type programs, youth programs and seniors, and those suffering with mental health challenges.”
Brown said he’s grateful Black Gold Brewery came on board so quickly.
“And, we’re really pleased to partner with somebody in rural Lambton,” he said.
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