Petra Jacob after the shooting in Hovsjö in Södertälje

Three young guys were injured in the shooting in Södertälje on Saturday.
Three young men are under arrest for the crime – and in the city one dares to be hopeful.
– We usually always find a way back, says the passionate Petra Jacob.

On Saturday evening, a shooting took place in Hovsjö in Södertälje. Three young guys were injured and had to be taken to hospital. During the night, three young men suspected of the shooting were arrested and detained.

– It has been quiet for quite a while in Södertälje. What everyone was afraid of has happened again, says Petra Jacob, who herself has lived in Södertälje for several years.

– It is not something that characterizes only Södertälje, but is happening throughout our long country.

“Must keep working and fighting”

Earlier this year, Petra Jacob was named Fire Soul of the Year. She was praised for her great commitment in Södertälje, where she, among other things, founded the non-profit association Lebi Skol IF, which works to give children and young people better conditions.

Despite the tragedy that happened, Petra Jacob chooses to be optimistic when TV4 Nyheterna meets her the day after the crime.

– We usually always find a way back, and so do all families, she says.

One of the injured guys had to leave the hospital during the night. The others were still being treated in hospital with unclear injuries on Sunday morning.

– It’s heavy. It’s hard, but you can’t give up hope. You have to keep working and fighting, says Petra Jacob.
