Peruvian President Dina Boluarte on a charm mission in China

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte on a charm mission in China

The interim president of Peru ends her three-day official visit to China this Friday, June 28. Dina Boluarte intends to strengthen the already well-established ties between Peru and China, linked by a free trade agreement in 2009 and now brought closer by the megaport project in Chancay, whose inauguration is to take place in the presence of Xi Jinping at the end of the year. A project of the new Silk Roads, symbol of China’s growing influence on the South American continent.

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With our correspondent in Lima, Juliette Chaignon

It was an expected meeting. China, Dina Boluarte met this Thursday, June 27, with the leaders of Cosco Shipping to reassure them, despite the ongoing democratic crisis in Peruon the political, social and legal stability of the country.

Chinese state-owned company Cosco Shipping is the majority shareholder of the Chancay Megaport. A 3.6 billion dollar project, in a small Peruvian coastal town, where the future largest logistics platform on the Pacific coast is growing. The objective is to accelerate Peru’s exports to China, particularly minerals. China is the world’s largest buyer of Peruvian copper.

Signing of contracts

In Shenzhen and Shanghai, Dina Boluarte also met investors to praise the merits of her country.

A contract signed with Huawei will make it possible to train 20,000 young Peruvians. Dina Boluarte also invited Chinese electric car giant BYDto set up a factory in Peru, where China is today the leading trading partner.

This is the case in nine other South American countries where Beijing has succeeded, over the last twenty years, in gaining influence and overcoming the UNITED STATES.
