The Next Provincial Election Was Scheduled for June 4, 2026, but Doug Ford Said He Wants a Stronger Mandate, Despite Already Having A Sizeable Majority Government.

It’s official.
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Perth-Wellington Residents Will Head to the Polls Feb. 27 To elect a provincial government after ortario Premier Doug Ford confirmed on Tuesday What Had been Rumoured for Weeks.
“At Lot has changed in the last three-plus months,” Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae Said. “The Biggest Thing is the Election of Donald Trump Again in the United States and His Threat to Levy Job-Killing (25 per cent) Tariffs on Canada and Ontario. The day heard many concerns from our auto sector and (agriculture) Sector around the impact of these tariffs, so I know the first wants to ensure we have a strong mandate to stand up for otarario, whiteher it’s the (canadian) federal government or The Us Government. ”
The Next Provincial Election Was Scheduled for June 4, 2026, but Ford Said He Wants a Stronger Mandate, Despite Already Having A size Majority Government.
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“I’m Always Happy to Go Talk to People in the Riding,” Said Rae, who was first elected in 2022. “That’s What I do the Majority of My Days, but i’m happy to be at the door and hear from them. “
The 34-Year-Old from Palmerston Toutd His Record as MPP, Which He Said Included Securing More Than $ 200 million in Additional Dollars for Health Care, Education and Infrastructure Alone.
“I’d be happy to take that to the voters and seek their support next election,” he said.
Ford’s Snap Election Gambit, Which Critics Have Said is a way to have the Fallout from a pending rcmp report into his goverment’s decision to open the greenbelt to develop, is not without risks.
Provincially, David Peterson’s Liberals Held a Majority Government in 1990 Before they were unseated by the new democrats under Bob rae.
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Federally, The Governing Liberals Were Trenced in 1984 by Brian Mulroney’s Progressive Conservative After John Tuner, Having Been Elected Leader Following Pierre Trudeau’s Re -Re -Require as Prime Minister, Called an Early Election.
Rae, who will run against Liberal Ashley Fox, New Democrat Jason Davis and Green candidate Ian Morton, Focused on Looking Ahead.
“The opposition Members have Always Been Criticizing The Important Investments Our Government is Making in Rural Ontario, and now it’s an Opportunity to Present Their Platform to the People So (Voters) Can Decide,” He Said. “I Know I Only Judge One Poll, and that’s the Poll on Election Day.”
Recounded from Editorial