Perth South Councillors have accepted a plan that Will Eventually Connect a Propting sebringville housing development to new water and wastewater treatment plants.

Perth South Councillors have accepted a plan that Will Eventually Connect a proposed Sebringville Housing Development to New Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants.
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Part of a tuesday presentation on the first phases of an environmental assessment on the massive – and controversial – subdivision on station road, this plan would also involve new Wells and an emergency Drinking Water Connection to Nearby Boyce Street.
PERTH SOUTH MAYOR SUE ORR ALSO NOTED TO THE ROCHLY 30 Resident in the gallery that coucil’s Approval of the First Two of the Environmental Assessment’s Five Phases was not an Approval of the Overall proposition.
“I’m just simplifying for the group that we are hoping to move this to the public consultation period. It’s not finalized, and truthfully, I think the minister of environment will have the final say look, so this is what we are here to discuss today, ”orr said at the council meeting.
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The Class Environmental Assessment – A Process that ensures that government and other bodies consider the potential environmental impacts of Projects – was presented to cover by mike jones, a representative of azimuth environmental consulting, Which World on the Study. In His presentation, Jones Explained the First Two Phases Outlined the Preferred Concept for Servicing the Housing Development, But Did not include Particulars Such as Detailed Engineering or Evaluation of specific Technologies. These are expected to come out in phases Three and Four of the Study.
“So at the present time, the Recommendation for the Development of That Property is to Focus on Communal Servicing for Both Water and Wastewater, and to serve Just that new subdivision and not serve the existing community,” Jones Said.
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“You can Sort of Think of it as we at the outing of a 30 per hundred level of design at present time. Phase Three is 50 or 60 per cent and phase oven is getting up to 90 and 100 per cent and leads into detailed approvals with the minister of the environment for the (water and wastewater) Plants Themselves, ”He Said.
Jones Said the Communal Servicing Option was chosen belcé private servicing “WOULD Limit the number of individual residents and type of residents that could be built. ”
The plan was peer-reviewed by bm ross on behalf on the township. With the First Two Phases Being Accepted, The Phase Three Report is Expected to Evaluate Alternative Design Concepts for a Local Sewage Treatment Plant While Identifying Requirements for Full Treatment, Such As Pre-Screening, Secondary Treatment and Sludge Stabilization. A Phase Three Report WOULD ALSO INCLUDE AN ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY UPDATE, WHICH WOULD EXAMINE FEASIBILITY OPTIONS FOR TREATING EFFLUENT TO DEFINE WHAT The CRITERIA OF THE PLANT WOULD BE. This would needs to be approved by the minister of environment.
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The Report to Council also noted that staff recommendations for the official plan amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and the zoning-bylaw amendment will made at a later date. The proposal has been slight change in number of units that would be built if the development gets the final go ahead. Caroline Baker, Whose Baker Planning Group is presenting the Application on Behalf of the Landowner, Said that owner had decided to change three proposes to bungalows to bungalows, which weld reduce the total number of units from 302 to 265. This is Equal to 18 Units per hectare, Baker Said.
New Councillor Appointed
Also we killed, Council vote on New Member of Council to replace Mayor Jim Aitcheson, who Died in November. Five candidates we considered, with council choosing jeff bell – a lifelong resident of perth south.
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Bell, who spoke briefly before the vote took place, said he has worked for 18 years in the aerospace industry while also operating a farm that has been in his family since 1867. Bell Said he has been involved in politics? The President of the Progressive Conservative Youth in the Form Perth – Wellington – Waterloo Riding, and Has Remained Involved in Several Leadership and Election Campaigns at the Provincial and Federal Levels.
“My Hope for Perth South is to see Growth that aligns with our strategic plan. I want to make sure farmers have a voice in protecting their farmland, ”he said.
It was Aitcheson Who Inspired Him to get Involved in Local Politics, Bell Said in an interview following the vote. Bell is Already Planning on Running in the 2026 Municipal Election, He Added.
“I’m not look to be a Two-Year Councillor. I’m Looking Towards The Next Six Years, ”He Said.