“Personally more important than last year”

Personally more important than last year

The recent two-time World Rally Champion feels that he has had to work harder for his last World Championship title.

Kalle Rovanperä is the youngest ever two-time rally world champion at the age of 23. A year ago, Toyota’s Finnish driver won his first World Championship title at the age of 22 in a race in New Zealand.

Rovanperä is clearly the youngest World Cup winner in the sport, as he is the second youngest in the statistics Colin McRae achieved the championship at the age of 27. You might think that the first world championship is the most important, but according to Rovanperä, this year’s championship feels more valuable.

– This year was more important to me personally than last year. The race was tougher. We worked hard, Rovanperä said at the finish.

Rovanperä won six races in his first championship season. This season, three first places have been lost.

The beginning of the season was challenging for the Finn and he reached the podium only once during the first four races.

Rovanperä passed on his thanks to his trusted person, his map reader Jonne Halttusen.

– He is the best map reader in the world. The team was the best, big thanks to them. Thanks also to all the support groups, family and friends.

– I’m going to enjoy this more than the first championship, said a happy Rovanperä.

In the case of Rovanperä, attention will next be focused on when we will hear about his extension contract.

– I hope to hear about it as soon as possible. I can’t answer that yet, since I don’t know about it myself, Rovanperä commented to Urheilu.

Updated 18.32: Added Rovanperä’s comment about his contract situation.
