Personal data leaked from the UL app – Cassandra one of the affected: “Feels scary”

It was on Monday 31 July that Region Uppsala became aware that personal data in the ticket system used in the UL app had been exposed to an unauthorized person. The error was fixed on Tuesday, but a notification about a personal data incident has been submitted to the Swedish Privacy Protection Authority (IMY).

Serious incident

– Our assessment is that the incident is serious because we protect our customers’ privacy. We were able to fix the IT system quickly, and will continue the work to increase security, says Peter Samuelsson, head of department, systems and technology, in a press release.

One of those affected is Cassandra. She tells SVT that she was surprised when she found out about the leaked information.

– I work within an authority, so you get worried and wonder what someone might do with this information, says Cassandra.

In the clip: Hear Cassandra talk about the leaked information.
