Person smashed windows in residential building


  • Person smashed windows in residential building

    The police were alerted during the morning to Brandbergen in Stockholm.

    – It is a little unclear what has happened. A person appears to have been thrashing about with what is possibly a shovel. It starts with someone smashing windows and this appears to be a residential building, says Daniel Wikdahl, spokesperson for the police.

    The incident is currently classified as vandalism.


  • Kicked police dog – escaped into the lake

    After observation in surveillance cameras, the police were alerted at 01:44 to a bicycle workshop in Masmo, south of Stockholm.

    – It was seen that people entered a bicycle workshop and ran around with flashlights, says Daniel Wikdahl at the police’s regional command center.

    At the scene, a 45-year-old man on a bicycle was arrested immediately.

    Another person was tracked by a dog patrol, but when he was about to be arrested, he kicked the dog and fled into Lake Albysjön.

    – We didn’t swim after, but followed out in the rescue service’s boat, says Daniel Wikdahl.

    The man jumped into the water at 02.15 and could only be picked up for 39 minutes to be arrested.

    – He was cold but seemed to be fine. It took a while to find him, but the patrols had verbal contact with him in the water.

    The man was examined on the spot by paramedics. He is now suspected of theft and blue light sabotage. The latter classification refers to the violence against the dog.

  • Police chase between two cities – round trip

    For almost an hour during the night to Monday, the police chased a car between Älmhult and Osby – round trip.

    The driver, a man in his 20s, was arrested at 01:00.

    – He didn’t stop at the policeman’s sign, then it goes at fairly high speeds. They try to catch him, but can’t stop. With one more push, you finally get a stop. There are two police vehicles that pushed him, says Viktor Jensen, on-call preliminary investigation manager at the police in Växjö, to Smålandsposten.

    The man is now suspected of gross drunk driving, gross negligence in traffic and drug offences, the newspaper writes.

  • Arlanda is closed: “Saw four drones”
  • Camping man robbed and tied up

    A man in his 40s was robbed around midnight at Flatenbadet in southern Stockholm.

    He himself raised the alarm to the police and said that several unknown perpetrators attacked him when he was going to live in a tent.

    – He has gotten rid of a lot of possessions and they have emptied his car, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the police.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the man was tied up by the perpetrators.

    – I won’t go into any details, but he has no injuries, says Daniel Wikdahl.

    A preliminary investigation into aggravated robbery has been initiated. No one is arrested.

  • Collided with wild boar – road closed

    A car collided during the night towards Monday with a wild boar south of Osbyholm in Hörby municipality.

    E22 was closed in the southbound direction during the rescue work.

    The alarm about the accident came at 01:06. There were four people in the car who, according to SOS Alarm, were checked by paramedics.

    The boar died.

  • Four dead in Israeli attacks

    Four people have been killed in a series of Israeli strikes in central Syria on Sunday night, state media reports. 13 people were injured in the attacks.

    According to the state-run Syrian news agency Sana, the Syrian air defense stated that it “responded to an attack that targeted several points in central Syria.”

    According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), one of the attacks targeted a research facility in Maysaf.

  • Train stop – evacuation in the forest

    An SJ train has broken down in the forest south of Lammhult in Småland. The emergency services are now helping to evacuate the passengers.

    – It happened in the middle of nowhere. We assist with carrying help for those who cannot get out of the train themselves, says Johanna Månsson, line operator at the rescue service.

    The alarm came at 9:24 p.m. The train left Stockholm at 17.04 with destination Malmö.

    – We have transferred the passengers to another train that could run onto the track next to it. The rescue service helps with two people in wheelchairs who could not get out by themselves, says Lina Edström at SJ’s press service.

    She does not believe that the train stop will have any major consequences.

    – It is late in the traffic day and not that much traffic. Because there are two tracks, traffic can pass by, she says.

  • Several vehicles in accident on E4

    Four cars are involved in an accident on the E4 near Mjölby.

    The road is completely closed.

    According to the police, a car has driven in the opposite lane.

    – We are working hard to get resources there. There are several ambulances on the way, says police duty officer Therese Hageborn.

    Read more here.

  • Close to 50 dead in explosion in Nigeria

    Traffic accidents involving overloaded trucks, tankers and transport vehicles are frequent in Nigeria. Archive image. Photo: Mansur Ibrahim/AP/TT

    About 50 people have died in a serious traffic accident in Nigeria on Sunday. A fuel transport collided head-on with a truck, according to the country’s national rescue service.

    The official death toll in the Agaie region of Niger state was 48 on Sunday night. Local media reports that the victims were immediately buried in a mass grave.

    The truck was traveling from Wudil in Kano State, with a heavy load of livestock in addition to the passengers.

    About 50 livestock were also burned beyond recognition in the collision with the tanker.

    The head of the emergency services, Abdullahi Baba-Arab, said that 30 victims were initially found at the scene of the accident but that the death toll rose when the vehicles involved in the severe collision were examined.

    Accidents involving trucks are a frequent occurrence on Nigeria’s country roads. A large part of the transport takes place on country roads as there is a lack of developed rail traffic. In addition, accidents involving tankers carrying fuel and gasoline have become a problem, according to Baba-Arab at the rescue service.

    The latest statistics, according to the AP news agency, from 2020 showed that over 1,500 accidents occurred with petrol tankers, resulting in over 500 deaths.

  • The president re-elected in Algeria

    Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebboune has been re-elected. Photo: STR via AP/TT

    Algeria’s incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has emerged victorious from the country’s presidential election, receiving nearly 95 percent of the vote.

    Electoral Commission Chairman Mohamed Charfi says that “the election was characterized by extensive transparency” and “reflected the people’s attitude to elections”.

    – Of the 5,630,000 votes cast, 5,320,000 votes went to the independent candidate Tebboune, Charfi said in a statement that was delayed three hours for unknown reasons.

    Exact data on turnout was missing when the electoral commission Anie announced the results. In the past, the opposition has boycotted elections.

    The main opponents were the moderate Islamist Abdelaali Hassani and the socialist candidate Youcef Aouchiche.

    In the 2019 election, only 40 percent of those eligible to vote in Algeria voted.

  • Iraq: Agree with US on military withdrawal

    A US military helicopter at a base in Iraq. Archive image. Photo: Qassim Abdul-Zahra/AP/TT

    Iraq and the United States have agreed on a timetable for how and when all foreign military forces fighting Islamist militant groups must leave the country.

    This is stated by Iraq’s Minister of Defense Thabet al-Abbassi in the Saudi television channel al-Hadath.

    According to him, the international coalition will leave bases in most of Iraq in September 2025 and in Kurdistan a year later.

    Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani demanded at New Year that the forces leave the country, but months of talks between Iraq and the United States have so far appeared fruitless.

    This summer, the US warned that IS is trying to re-establish itself in the region. The terrorist movement claimed in July that it was behind a total of 153 attacks in Iraq and Syria during 2024.

    The international forces in Iraq have been in place since 2014 to, among other things, fight the terrorist movement IS. The US has around 2,500 soldiers in Iraq and 900 in Syria as part of the operation.

  • A car has collided with a cow – and driven into a stream

    A car has collided with a cow in Tolånga in Sjöbo.

    The accident happened at 8 p.m.

    After the collision, the car drove into a stream.

    According to the police, the driver is out of the car. There are no reports of personal injuries.

    “The owner of the cow is taking care of the animal,” the police write on their website.

  • Sentenced to death Swede gets sentence reduced

    Earlier this year, a 35-year-old Swedish man was sentenced to death for drug offenses in Iraq.

    Now the sentence is reduced to 11 years, according to information TV4 News.

    It was in June this year that the man was sentenced to be hanged.

    Three more Swedes were sentenced to death in Iraq earlier this year. At the moment, there is no new information on when Iraq plans to carry out the punishment.

    Iraq’s death penalty has received severe criticism from the Swedish government and the Foreign Ministry.

  • The artist ready for the Super Bowl

    Photo: Scott Garfitt/AP

    Kendrick Lamar will perform during the 2025 Super Bowl halftime show.

    The show will air during half-time in the American Football Finals – and is one of the most watched telecasts in the US. The most recent programme, 2024, over 200 million viewers chose to watch all or parts of it.

    The Super Bowl will take place on February 9 next year.

    The announcement marks Kendrick Lamar’s second appearance during a halftime show.

    In 2022, he hosted Dr. Dre along with Snoop Dogg, Eminem and Mary J. Blige, among others.

    Read more here.

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