Person has fallen from the fourth floor

A man has been taken to hospital by helicopter after falling from the fourth or fifth floor.
According to the police, he is seriously injured.
– We have gone into the apartment to try to get more clarity, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the police.

A person has fallen from the fourth or fifth floor of an apartment building in Norsborg in southern Stockholm.

– The person will be taken to hospital by helicopter, says Daniel Wikdahl.

The police state that the person, who is an adult man, is seriously injured.

Unclear circumstances

What is at stake in the case is still unclear, and the police also do not know whether the person fell from a balcony or a window.

– We have gone into the apartment to try to get more clarity, says Wikdahl.

The police have not yet made a full identification of the man and it is too early to say if there was anyone else in the apartment at the time.

– We have some information, but we have to work on it before we can decide whether this should be considered a criminal investigation or an accident, says Daniel Wikdahl.
