Perplexity is developing an artificial intelligence -oriented browser called Comet

Perplexity is developing an artificial intelligence oriented browser called Comet

Perplexity is developing an artificial intelligence -oriented browser called Comet. This curiosity browser will soon be available.

Perplexity Comet has not yet made a detailed statement. However, the company aims to attract attention with this new browser, which will be in the center of productive artificial intelligence by saying, nasıl Just as we invented the search infrastructure again, we re -invented the browser ”. OpenAI signed Chatgpt and Google signed Geminini offered for free after the Deep Research systems Perplexity Deep Research came. Accessible from the link here Perplexity Deep Research, According to the company’s own statement, he searches dozens of searches, looks at hundreds of sources, and makes sense among the materials to provide a comprehensive report. “Today, we offer Deep Research, who can earn hours on your behalf by making depth research and analysis.” The company offers the system free of charge, but the system has daily usage limits, as it will not be a surprise.

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The company before that It came up with the Per Perplexity Assistant ılan prepared for Android smartphone models. To remember the system here It can be activated through the Perplexity application. The assistant, which supports 15 different languages ​​that are not fully disclosed, can answer general questions, control other applications, find songs, write emails, adjust them, or perform food reservations. “Multimodal” with a foundation In other words, as well as visual detection, the assistant who can perform visual detectioncan also answer questions about the content seen on the screen. In the process of perception Assistant who can use the phone camera, It can save users time by helping many issues.
