Pernilla Wahlgren’s sex reveal shocks Sofia Wistam: “It was a long time ago”

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There can’t be many dull days in Pernilla Wahlgren’s life. Pernilla, 54, runs her show “Pernilla Wahlgren has hubris” for sold-out salons around the country. At the same time, she is current with a new season of “Wahlgren’s world” and next year we will see her as host of “Allsång på Skansen”.

Pernilla wahlgren. Image source: Stella Pictures.

In addition, Pernilla runs the extremely popular podcast “Wahlgren & Wistam” together with her best friend Sofia Wistam56.

As if that were not enough, Pernilla has bought a new dream house on Lidingö, which is currently being renovated. She will then move there with her boyfriend Christian Bauer56. Bauer recently got a new top job at ICA – you can read more about it here.

Christian Bauer and Pernilla Wahlgren. Image source: Stella Pictures.

Pernilla Wahlgren and Christian Bauer have been a couple since spring 2021, and the couple seems more in love than ever.

If you are curious about which other famous profile Christian Bauer was with before he met Pernilla Wahlgren, you can read more about it here.

Sofia Wistam in shock by Pernilla Wahlgren’s sex revelation

In the latest episode of “Wahlgren & Wistam” then Sofia Wistam blurts out a somewhat intimate question – she wonders when Pernilla last masturbated.

Pernilla wahlgren. Image source: Stella Pictures.

– Oh, it was a long time ago. A straight honest answer. I don’t do that anymore, says Pernilla.

Sofia Wistam is shocked at how straightforward Pernilla was in her answer.

– I thought you would be very embarrassed and keep your mouth shut, says Sofia Wistam.

– If I was doing it then I wouldn’t have dared to say it, ba “it was actually yesterday in the shower”, No. Since I got a boyfriend, it’s not something I need in my life, Pernilla Wahlgren then answers.
