Published: Less than 20 min ago
If border controls are to be strengthened, a completely new control station may need to be built at the Öresund Bridge. This is the opinion of the Swedish Transport Administration, which has begun to investigate where such a station could be built. Öresund Bridge Consortium CEO Linus Eriksson is critical.
– We are deeply concerned for everyone who travels across the Öresund. We need to remove, not create, new border obstacles for the tens of thousands who travel every day, he tells News Øresund.
According to the Öresund Bridge Consortium, a fixed checkpoint would increase the risk of train delays and reduce capacity over the bridge.
The Swedish Transport Administration has started the investigation on its own initiative due to writings in the Tidö Agreement, which states that border controls must be strengthened. As train traffic is expected to continue to increase, according to the Swedish Transport Administration it will not be possible to carry out border checks at the existing train station in Hyllie in Malmö.
– We are looking at what physical possibilities are available, what it would cost and how long it would take to implement after a construction decision is made, says Lennart Andersson, Trafikverket’s regional director in southern Sweden, to News Øresund.
The cost could be around SEK 400 million, according to a preliminary assessment.