Perineal rehabilitation: how to remuscle your perineum?…

Perineal rehabilitation how to remuscle your perineum

After pregnancy and childbirth, the perineum needs appropriate rehabilitation. If the help of a midwife or a physiotherapist is recommended, some accessories are designed for perineal rehabilitation. Here are a few !

How to rehabilitate your perineum?

Perineal rehabilitation should begin 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. It restores muscle tone. Indeed, the exercises carried out during the rehabilitation sessions consist in performing the contractions of the muscles which surround the vagina and the anus.

In principle, three rehabilitation techniques are generally used:

  • Manual rehabilitation

There is voluntary contraction of the levator ani muscles following the vaginal examination performed by the therapist.

This second method consists of stimulating the muscles of the perineum using a vaginal probe. This creates a passive contraction of these muscles.

Biofeedback consists of introducing a vaginal probe connected to a device that diffuses electrical impulses, causing small contractions. This technique improves awareness of the functioning of the perineum.

Other exercises can be done at home, especially with the help of accessories dedicated to perineal rehabilitation.

Editor’s Choice: Connected Vaginal Probe

Perineal rehabilitation at home becomes possible thanks to this perineal probe! It builds muscle and strengthens the pelvic floor. The Fizimed EMY perineal probe is the ideal accessory to rehabilitate the perineum at any time. Easy to use and effective, it allows you to regain your self-confidence. We chose this wireless probe because it meets European medical standards. Designed by the French company Fimized, it has a quality silicone coating. Especially since this little accessory is entirely made with materials that are biocompatible with female intimacy.

This connected probe allows you to perform fun exercises via the free EMY mobile application. In addition to customizable games, you will find expert advice that facilitates perineal rehabilitation while having fun. Another advantage of the Emy probe is its efficiency. Recommended by health professionals, it can be used for a long time. You can use it to prevent urinary leakage or organ descents.

Convenient perineal rehabilitation probe

No need to go to a physiotherapist to rehabilitate your perineum thanks to this ultra practical accessory! The Perifit perineal rehabilitation probe is designed to treat urinary leakage and prevent prolapse. It strengthens the perineum after surgery and accelerates postnatal rehabilitation. We offer you this pelvic muscle training device since it offers 6 tailor-made programs: prevention, intimate well-being, urge incontinence, stress incontinence, mixed incontinence and postpartum. Simply connect the app to the probe via Bluetooth and watch the perineum contract in real time. The app’s fun exercises ensure quick results, including strength, agility, relaxation, endurance and pelvic floor precision. Thanks to a 5D analysis system, Perifit is able to target areas for improvement. Especially since this medical device is CE class 1 certified. It incorporates a unique dual sensor technology that measures the quality of exercise by tracking pelvic and abdominal contractions. Recommended by doctors, this perineal probe is both ergonomic and fully waterproof.

Geisha balls to strengthen the perineum

The Geisha ball is a perineal rehabilitation accessory par excellence. It muscles the perineum. This is why we recommend these Bodyotics Geisha balls. Made with medically approved silicone, they are completely waterproof and hypoallergenic. In addition, the material used is both soft and ergonomic. It combines comfort and safety.

The 6 Bodyotics balls are designed to treat urinary leakage, whether before or after childbirth. They also prevent prolapse and regain control of the pelvic floor. 15 minutes of exercise a day with these accessories replaces 100 Kegel exercises. This helps to better control the bladder and firm the pelvic floor. Note that the six balls are suitable for different levels, from beginner to expert. They come with an e-book that serves as a guide during perineal rehabilitation. This e-book was developed in collaboration with professionals. A luxury velvet pouch serves as storage for these accessories. In addition to being easy to insert, these Geisha balls provide a feeling of well-being.

Kit of perineal rehabilitation accessories

Do you want to try Kegel exercises to rehabilitate your perineum? From home, it is now possible to perform this type of exercise thanks to these XSEXO kegel balls. It only takes about fifteen minutes a day to get quick results.

We have selected this perineal rehabilitation accessory because it helps control the bladder and restore self-confidence. Made with top quality silicone, it is completely hypoallergenic. In addition, these ultra soft massager balls have no openings or grooves that trap dirt. Note that the kit consists of two types of balls including standard balls suitable for new mothers and Ellipse balls which are suitable for advanced people. Each model has three different bullet weights, to be used according to the instructions. To be used daily, these Geisha balls can quickly treat urinary incontinence. A remote control, user manual and USB cable come with the Kegel balls.

Essential book on the perineum

In addition to perineal rehabilitation exercises, it is important to be well informed about the perineum. This is why we recommend the book Perineum, stop the massacre by Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet. He talks about bad postures to avoid on a daily basis, such as carrying heavy loads or playing high-impact sports. The author raises the fact that the perineum is often abused and neglected. However, a healthy perineum prevents urinary leakage, prevents the descent of organs or constipation. Doctor and yoga teacher, Bernadette de Gasquet denounces in her book the usual mistakes to avoid and explains the good gestures to adopt through illustrations. Indeed, she specializes in supporting future mothers and those who have just given birth. It combines modern medicine with traditional knowledge. His book on the perineum is easy to read.

“All the products featured in this article have been selected by our editors. When you purchase through our sales links, we may earn an affiliate commission. »

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