The Green Party’s spokesperson Per Bolund is leaving his post, he announces in an interview with Today’s news.
He will not stand for re-election at the fall party congress.
Per Bolund tells the newspaper that after the parliamentary election last fall, he has had time to think and that he has decided that he wants to leave his post.
– I have worked with national politics for more than 20 years. I felt that if I were to do something else in life, now is a good opportunity, says Per Bolund to DN.
– At the same time, I want to create the best possible conditions for the party to find a successor and give that person the chance to do the best job possible.
Leaving politics completely
Per Bolund was elected in 2019 and took over from Gustav Fridolin as male spokesperson.
He tells DN that after the congress this fall he will also leave the Riksdag and party work. He hasn’t decided what the next step will be yet.
– It will be exciting, but I have no firm plans yet, he says to DN.
“Has there been internal discussion”
TV4 Nyheterna’s political commentator Per Hermanrud says that the announcement came suddenly, but that it was still not unexpected:
– It is quite expected that the Green Party will have to change mouthpieces. Both have suffered from chronically low confidence numbers for a long time and there has also been an internal discussion about whether something needs to be done about the low confidence numbers.