Per Bolund (MP): – Sweden news

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Today, it was the Green Party’s spokesman Per Bolund’s turn to speak in Almedalen. In the speech, Bolund accused all other parties of cutting back on climate policy – and warned of a setback for climate policy if the red-greens lose the election. According to him, “there is no doubt” that it will be a Moderate-led government that leans towards an extreme right, should the Green Party fall out of the Riksdag. Bolund accused the right-wing of not skipping any means and resorting to slander campaigns, lies and false information.

The spokesman emphasized that the Green Party will not participate in a government that “fires on the climate threat”, abolishes climate goals and “slaughters” climate budgets.

According to Bolund, strong forces are trying to make climate policy appear to be a greater threat to people than climate change itself.

See part of the speech in the player above.
