Per Bolund is pressured in SR’s party leader hearing

Per Bolund is pressured in SRs party leader hearing

Published: Less than 10 min ago

The Green Party’s spokesperson Per Bolund wants to see a red-green government after the election.

– -What is clear are two things: Without the MP, there will not be a red-green government, but a government that takes Sweden backwards, he says in Sveriges Radio’s party leader hearing.

The party leader hearing of the MP’s mouthpiece Per Bolund began sharply.

Bolund was pressed about why the party chose to leave the government shortly before several major environmental issues were to be decided.

For example, the issue of the final repository for spent nuclear fuel and mining in Kallak.

Per Bolund was asked why they gave up the possibility of influence:

– We constantly pursue what we promise our voters, we have judged that in most cases you get that when you are in government. That is why we have aspired to government power. But in this case it was the case that the cooperation agreement on which our policy was based no longer existed, he says in the hearing.

– A majority in the Riksdag shot down all the proposals we came up with, for example the budget. There were no conditions to push through green policy. Then our responsibility for our voters is to pursue politics from the opposition side, not to implement M and SD’s policies.

And the follow-up question about whether he believes the party gained more influence when they left the government:

– Now we have the opportunity to be critically scrutinizing and bring forward the green way forward, says Bolund.

After the election, the MP mouthpiece wants to see a red-green government again.

– We have collaborated and sat in government with S, and made many tens of thousands of decisions together. It is a red-green government that MP wants to see, says Per Bolund.

– The important thing for us is that we do not seek government power just for the sake of power, we seek it to implement our green policy. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding when we say that we are just putting forward a government we are in, that people think we want to be a government party. It is to be able to implement green policy. It’s urgent now.

full screen MP’s mouthpiece Per Bolund. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT NEWS AGENCY
