Pepsin: role, effects, where to find this enzyme?

Pepsin role effects where to find this enzyme

Pepsin is an enzyme that is part of the composition of gastric juice, essential for digestion. Its complex role impacts the different stages of the food digestion process. Digestive symptoms may be suggestive of pepsin deficiency.

What is the role of pepsin?

Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme, which hydrolyzes proteins. In other words, pepsin chemically breaks down protein bonds with water molecules. The enzyme is naturally and constantly present in the stomach in its inactive form called pepsinogen. Pepsinogen is secreted by the main cells of the stomach and activated into pepsin during one of the stages of digestion. “Once in the stomach, the alimentary bolus is crushed in order to be put into porridge with the gastric juices, including pepsin, which is an enzyme of the protease class. Pepsin is the enzyme responsible for protein pre-digestion. Acidity activates pepsin: proton pumps dump acid, PH2, to activate the enzyme pepsin to break down proteins into amino acids. These are then sent to the duodenum for the next stage of digestion and then absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.“explains Delphine Lienhardt, doctor of pharmacy.

Where can I find pepsin?

“Pepsin is a enzymes from the animal kingdom. She is only secreted by the body during digestion“, indicates the pharmacist. The enzyme is extracted from porcine stomach to be integrated into certain formulas of food supplements.

Is there pepsin in Pepsi?

According to the expert, Pepsi does not contain pepsin. Originally, the Coca-Cola® formula, kept secret, was invented by an American pharmacist: it was above all a treatment against the problems of the digestive sphere based on KOLA nuts supposed to fight against dyspepsia.” The benefits of consuming cola drinks in case of acute diarrhea are rather controversial: they are too sweet and too low in sodium and potassium. However, a significant loss of these minerals can lead to dehydration, which is potentially serious in vulnerable subjects (children, the elderly). Nevertheless, some pediatricians recommend the ingestion of decaffeinated cola beverages to prevent dehydration, especially in areas of the world with poor water quality. If the water quality is good, it is advisable to dilute the drink (without gas) in half of water.

What are the symptoms of a lack of pepsin?

“When pepsin is deficient, it means the person’s stomach does not have enough acidity or that stress phenomena act on the secretion of pepsinogen. The main problem with digestion is that if a stage is missed, it cannot be recovered. It is then the whole digestion process that can be alteredexplains the Deputy President of the USPO. Digestion even begins in the flavor of food with the production of other enzymes like amylase. One of the difficulties of many people today is the chewing. We eat too quickly and do not take the time to chew food, which stresses the body. However, chewing is an integral part of digestion: taking the time to eat promotes better digestion.”

► Pepsin deficiency can result in digestive ailments. “Due to this deficiency, the proteins along the tract are poorly digested: they go into putrefaction in the intestine. The latter creates toxins stored in the liver. Then appear bloating, intestinal gas or localized inflammatory phenomena in the intestine. These disorders are then responsible for intestinal irregularity, with alternating diarrhea/constipation, abdominal pain, intestinal discomfort and malabsorption.

► Nevertheless, it is not not easy to diagnose, since these suggestive signs are also the symptoms of wide digestive problems related to other deficiencies or other disorders. Pepsin deficiency can also be linked to taking certain medications, includings proton pump inhibitors (PPI).It’s not for nothing that we secrete stomach acid : it helps to digest and sterilize the food bolus. In this sense, the acid acts as an immune barrier. PPIs lower the pH, which is why they must be taken without meals, at the risk of altering the digestion process, completes the specialist. The proper use of PPIs is very important: they should be reserved when a diagnosis of pathology is confirmed rather than being the subject of a systematic symptomatic prescription.

When to take pepsin in pharmacies?

Pepsin supplementation may be recommended during PPI treatment, for example. Often, pepsin deficiency is linked to a poor diet and/or lifestyle. And according to the doctor of pharmacy, these elements do not justify taking pepsin. “Whenno diseases or serious causes are diagnosed, returning to a healthy lifestyle in line with the biology of our body is often enough to activate pepsinogen, to facilitate digestion and therefore to regulate digestive problems. To be aware of this is to be able to be an actor in your health. Dietary supplements containing pepsin are not magic pillss. To stay healthy and fit, you have to eat healthy, take the time to chew, sleep well and move well.” Once the lifestyle is balanced, dietary supplements may be considered in order to have a better digestion, in a process of general well-being. Natural solutions are also available for patients suffering from digestive problems: “to optimize digestive functions and rebalance the intestinal flora, certain food supplements are indicated.

  • “There burdock supports intestinal motility and promotes better elimination while artichoke and desmodium support liver functions.
  • There chamomile or glutamate will compensate for cellular repair.
  • Supplementation with probiotic is essential to balance your intestinal flora. This polymorphic flora is responsible for many processes essential to our good health.

What are the risks of a pepsin overdose?

Pepsin is activated in the stomach only when the pH is acidic: the goal is to prevent damage to the stomach walls. A pepsin overdose can therefore be irritating to these mucous membranes. And Delphine Lienhardt to advise “pepsin should always be combined with betaine to activate intestinal motility.”

Thanks to Delphine Lienhardt, doctor of pharmacy and Deputy President of the Union of community pharmacists (USPO) in Alsace.
