Pepper allergy does exist! When it is confirmed by the allergist, pepper should simply be avoided.
He is possible to be allergic to pepper and all peppers. The latter is one of the spices (Piperaceae family) most used in daily food. Because they are derived from plants, spices have allergenic potential and are likely to develop a more or less severe allergic reaction in a sensitive person. However, pepper allergy is quite rare : we think that 2% of adults living with food allergies would be allergic to one or more spices and that the women would be more sensitive to it, according to international scientific literature. “Most of the time, we observe reactions to the consumption of pepper linked to the irritant factor of this spice and these are not necessarily allergic reactions. There are only very few cases described but this allergy is quite done possible” explains Dr Ania Carsin, allergist.
What are the symptoms of pepper allergy?
Symptoms of a pepper allergy present themselves after ingestion, inhalation or near presence of the pepper allergen. “In food allergiessymptoms appear very quickly, within a few minutes up to 2 hours after taking the food specifies Dr. Carsin. The symptoms in reaction to pepper can be diverse and more or less serious:
- contact reaction: irritation of the skin, mouth more or less extensive
- buttons Who swell and that scratch
- triggering of anaphylactic shock: respiratory problems such as coughcardiovascular type malaise or digestive type vomiting or severe abdominal pain
The allergist will be the only one who can tell the difference between an allergic reaction or not by questioning and by tests.
Is there a test to know if you are allergic to pepper?
There are different types of allergology test: blood test and skin tests.
► the blood test makes it possible to look for the presence of antibodies directed against the allergen, pepper;
► skin tests with pepper and/or the different types of pepper make it possible toobserve if the skin reacts in contact with this or these.
“These tests are prescribed and carried out by the allergist. If the result of these tests remains hesitant, an oral provocation test will be considered in the hospital in order to better observe the manifestations on the person after the ingestion of small quantities of the allergen in question. If the patient has no reaction to this test, he is not allergic to pepper.” she describes.
What to do if you are allergic to pepper?
If the diagnosis of pepper allergy is confirmed by the various tests carried out by the allergist, a avoidance of the allergen is imposed: “Pepper should no longer be consumed at all if the allergy is confirmed.”
“You should no longer consume pepper at all if the allergy is confirmed”
In this situation, it is recommended to read labels carefully of the ingredients used, ask in restaurants if the latter is used in the dishes served. “Which is complicated in pepper allergy is that it is a spice used very frequently.” The risk in the event of ingestion of pepper is to develop each time a more or less serious allergic reaction.
There is no possible desensitization
Desensitization – which consists of administering allergen extracts daily over a long period (several years) in progressive doses so as to stimulate the immune system and make the person tolerant to the substance – does not exist for the person(s). ) pepper(s). “There is no no protocol desensitization to pepper, because it is an allergy too rare for it to be included”.
Thanks to Dr Ania Carsin, Pediatric Day Space, Pediatric Pneumology and Allergology Department, Saint-Joseph Hospital, Marseille