People’s park to be upgraded: “Part of Nykvarn’s identity”

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The municipality decided in 2022 to modernize Nykvarn’s park. At the same time, they want to preserve its history and protect the place as a gathering place. The work will begin this spring and is planned to be completed before the turn of the year.

Hear in the video what the municipality plans to do with the park and what it will cost.

  • People’s Park was built in 1918 by the Paper Industry Workers’ Union for political meetings and education.
  • During the 1950s, the park instead became a place for fun, such as dancing and parties.
  • In 1968, the municipality of Nykvarn took over the park.
  • A new toilet was built for the royal couple’s visit in 2011.
  • During the pandemic, the park has been an important gathering place.
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