People with this blood type are more likely to have a stroke than others

People with this blood type are more likely to have

Will it soon be possible to prevent strokes in young adults? Perhaps with a simple blood test, according to a meta-analysis that points to group A.

People in group A seem more likely to develop diseases than others. After Covid-19the risk of suffering an early stroke (before age 60) would be greater for people of this age. blood group according to a new meta-analysis of 48 studies published in Neurology.

Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine (USA) analyzed all the data from the studies genetic focused on accidents cerebrovascular ischemic (caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain). In total, nearly 17,000 stroke victims and 600,000 stroke-free controls, all between the ages of 18 and 59, participated in the study.

Result: people with blood group A had a 16% increased risk of undergoing a stroke early compared to people in other groups. On the contrary, people with blood group O had a 12% lower risk. Furthermore, the link found between blood type and late-onset strokes was much weaker.

Mechanisms still under study

If the reasons for this incrimination are not yet clear, Dr. Kittner (co-principal investigator of the study) believes that it is necessary to look into ” blood clotting factors, such as pads and cells that line blood vessels, as well as other proteins circulating diseases, all of which play a role in the development of clots blood. We clearly need more follow-up studies to clarify the mechanisms of increased stroke risk “.

That the people of group A are reassured, the authors of the study underline that the increase in the risk remains very modest and that they should therefore not worry unduly.

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